Friday, December 21, 2007

Jerry Story # 1 : Jerry saves girl in bikini

It was one of those low wind days so Donna and I drove out to the lake to enjoy a late summer afternoon swim. As soon as we got out of the car to go swimming we accidentally locked the keys in the car. Here we are at Cooks beach on Percy Priest lake in our bathing suits, no shoes, no wallet, nothing (this was before cell phones). Nobody is around and its going to get dark in a few hours. Hmmmm....... Donna is in a bikini and we are miles from nowhere, without a way out. This was the windsurfing beach where we spent many days with Jerry, Tim and the other windsurfers. Hours later someone came by and gave me a lift to a payphone, along with a quarter, and I called Jerry McEwen. A true friend he was. He drove all the way out there, drove me home to get my spare key, and back .....35 mins each way. Jerry was a friend you could call in need because he was just that kind of a guy. I'm going to miss you my dear friend. I hope you are finding good wind up in heaven (and an internet connection).

Rebel-Nashville TN friend of Jerry since 1990

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