Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Carol Claytons Post

I was gratified to find the site for memories of Jerry and a small way we could acknowledge his passing. So difficult to imagine his wonderful spirit no longer on our plane. I am Jeff Clayton's wife and we met Jerry when he was the computer guru for Jeff's employer, no more than eight years ago. As a former musician myself we struck an instant bond once we discovered our common threads. I have come to understand how many of those threads existed in his life.

When I began to think about a website for our B&B Jerry immediately came to mind. All of his creativity and expertise show in the finished product. Because he was such a consummate professional we worked together long distance so I could be part of the process and he made me look so good. He, typically, did not charge enough for his work. He also remained almost instantly available when issues or problems or changes arose, an invaluable committment on his part.

The eager intensity of a conversation with Jerry was always so refreshing. You felt his zest for life even over the telephone. Always something new to tell people, always so connected to his most recent discoveries and seemingly, the planet. He is missed, will remain so, I am certain. I would love to hear some of his guitar work since that part of his life was only ever a conversation between us. I sure would appreciate some suggestions of recordings that are available out there. It just one of the legacies he leaves those of us lucky enough to have known him.

Carol Clayton

Squires Showband,1969. Jerry is in the back row, first on the left.

This is from Jay Patten's site. He and Jerry with the Everly Brothers.

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