Monday, December 24, 2007

A good memory

What a shock to hear about this ! I went widsurfing with
Jerry a few months ago. I'm from Hawaii originally and it
had been a lot of years since I'd had the chance to do that.
My friend Robyn invited me but couldn't show at the last
minute. I met Jerry anyway out at Percy Priest lake on
this beautiful peninsula.

He let me share his board, and after about 800 tries
(it was smaller racing board, not an easy one to get the
hang of in a light wind), I got up and had a great ride
for about a 1/4 mile. Then I couldn't sale the darn
thing back !

Jerry chivalrously picked his way along the lake
shore to where I was struggling, andsailed it back
to the launch site for me... he had a kind soul, and
I'm grateful he gave me that chance to reacquaint
myself withthis joyous sport from my childhood.

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